First collection in Mumbai at KRVIA!

Kamala Raheja College of Architecture and Environmental Studies recorded their first collection of MLP waste on 23rd August. We were happy to be there and record the whole process!

It began with entering the total items collected into the system. Ruju Rathod the visiting faculty and coordinator along with Yadavendra and Anushka, second year students. We had Svanika Bala from rePurpose visiting to see how the system works.

Next we decided to recheck and count. Realised that there were some items, which are recyclable plastic and removed them. Final count was 480. Next time they make an entry the count will be reduced by 21 to correct for the earlier entry of 501.

A number of items had been washed by the students! We would suggest washing for only ice cream wrappers and chocolates, not for biscuit or wafer packets. Too much moisture can be undesirable in a climate like Mumbai.

We then weighed the total collection. It came to 1100 grams! 2.3 grams per item. All these items are not going to the dumping grounds or into the sea!

A short video of the counting process can be seen here

The collected waste will be stored in the college till we reach Five kilograms or about 2000 pieces and then will be transported to a storage facility where we are aggregating waste from other areas as well. The final destination will be a cement kiln, where these will be burnt and completely destroyed.

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  1. Would love to spread this around charkop

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