It’s more than 50 days now since Muskan got in touch with us for help and we have not been able to do much. Can you help? Muskan is a 16 year old staying in Agra and preparing for competitive exams. Her concern for the environment begins with her own impact and she has been storing every single piece of …
Author: Safai Bank
Lockdown collections at Jindal Adarsh Vidyalaya, Vijaynagar
We were treated to these delightful images of the collections by students at Jindal Adarsh Vidyalaya during the lockdown period. The Headmistress of the school shared the images and it is a testament of the commitment shown by the Principal, Headmistress and teachers. By making it a part of the routine of the new school from home process they ensured …
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
For residential buildings/complexes Step 1 Every family should collect at home. Wrappers should be dusted and clean. For chocolates and ice creams wash the wrappers. Tetrapacks should be thoroughly rinsed and dried. Step 2 At a regular frequency all the residents bring their collection to a designated spot eg. society office. There should be one or two coordinators to manage. …
How to join the program
You can join the program as an individual residential building, housing complex, educational institute, corporate office. Below is some information about the program and guidelines to successfully run the program. Why wrappers (MLP)? We are deeply focused on one particular packaging item because it is generated in large quantities everyday and gets lost in the general classification of dry waste. It …
Unlock 2020 pickup

We were able to carry out the first pick up since lock down started in March. For many weeks program partners were reaching out to express difficulties in storing the collected waste any longer. Everyone had been collecting the waste for about four months. Our usual collection method is mainly through schools and colleges but they have been closed due …
How to do a model collection?
Jindal Vidya Mandir, Vasind (close to Mumbai) had stopped their collections because the school felt that the students were loosing a lecture due to the collection drive. Rishi from the Safai Bank team visited on Friday, 29th November at 8:30 am to restart and check how the process was flowing. The school does the collections on Fridays immediately after Assembly. …
World Environment Day 2019 – Mega MLP Waste Collection Drive!
Safai Bank of India First anniversary celebrations! Mega MLP collection drive. Environment Day (5th June) is close. Contribute to a better environment by reducing your impact through this simple campaign. Do you consume wafer, snacks, biscuits and other such materials, which use Multilayered Packaging? If yes then then you can #beatplasticpollution by diverting the wrapper away from your waste dumping …
Don Bosco Matunga, 1,00,000 wrappers collected!
It was a humbling and deeply satisfying day at Don Bosco Matunga to arrange for the collection of about 1,00,000 wrappers collected by the students of Don Bosco School as part of the Safai Bank of India program. The school achieved the feat in about 60 days with the bulk of collection in the post Diwali phase! For a program …
What kind of waste is the Bank working with?

How does the bank work?